
Practical Guide from Talent to Performance

Practical Guide from Talent to Performance

This Practical Guide contains the 53 TMA Competencies in alphabetical order as well as 23 key result areas with which you can create virtually every job or competency profile within your organization. Each competency comes with behavioral indicators, development activities, and coaching suggestions. The key behavioral indicators are divided into four levels: a general, operational, tactical, and strategic level. Thus, you can fine-tune any competency to the specific behavioral level your organization requires. Each key result area comes with specific tasks and performance indicators. Within every task is indicated which competencies support a successful performance of this task. Both the key result areas and competencies help you define the specific successful behavior and clear results that are expected in your organization.



Practical Guide Contents


Reading suggestions


1. Practical manuals

1.1 Manual creating job and competency profiles

1.2 Manual behavioral based interview

1.3 Manual selection assessment interview

1.4 Manual development interview

1.5 Manual performance appraisal interview


2. Key result areas

1.     Account management 

2.     Administration & accounting

3.     Coaching

4.     Consulting

5.     Development & innovation

6.     Governance & management

7.     Human resource management

8.     Logistics & fac. management

9.     Management

10. Marketing

11. Planning & organizing

12. Policy development

13. Process management

14. Production & services

15. Project management

16. Public relations

17. Purchasing management

18. Quality management

19. Research

20. Sales & acquisition

21. Security

22. Service & support

23. Training & education


3. Competencies 

1.     Accountability

2.     Adaptability

3.     Ambition

4.     Assertiveness

5.     Attention to detail

6.     Business orientation

7.     Coaching

8.     Commercial power

9.     Conduct

10. Conflict management

11. Controlling progress

12. Cooperation

13. Courage

14. Creativity

15. Customer orientation

16. Decisiveness

17. Delegating

18. Developing employees

19. Discipline

20. Energy

21. Flexible behavior

22. Focus on quality

23. Forming judgment

24. Identification with management

25. Independence

26. Initiative

27. Innovative power

28. Insight

29. Integrity

30. Leadership of groups

31. Learning ability

32. Listening

33. Managing

34. Need to achieve

35. Negotiating

36. Networking

37. Organization sensitivity

38. Perseverance

39. Persuasiveness

40. Planning & organizing

41. Political sensitivity

42. Presenting

43. Problem analysis

44. Result-orientation

45. Self development

46. Sensitivity

47. Sociability

48. Social awareness

49. Stress management

50. Verbal expression

51. Vision

52. Workmanship

53. Written expression


4. Theory and background

4.1 The TMA Method
4.2  Instruments of the TMA Method
4.3  Development potential of competencies
4.4 The 360º Feedback Method
4.5 The TMA Performance Matrix


5. Case studies and research

5.1 Velux

5.2 Atos Origin

5.3 Nunhems

5.4 SNT



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